Correspondance by W.Lam to N.Jacometti
Lot of three pieces by W.Lam, to N. Jacometti between 1961-1965 : A typewritten receipt , a typewritten letter signed and a Christmas card with envelope . Excellent condition .
Lot of three pieces by W.Lam, to N. Jacometti between 1961-1965. A typewritten receipt, a typewritten letter signed and a Christmas card with envelope. Excellent condition.
In Details :
• Typewritten receipt by Lam. Zurich, 14th June 1961 . One page (14.8 x 21 cm). In French . With two loop holes left margin.
After the payment of 250.00 dollars for the exposition and the eventual selling of three lithographs in Cincinnati (US) , Lam could issue this receipt to the graphic art gallerist, collector and editor, N. Jacometti. In this period Lam get passionate about etchings; and with Jacometti he could deepen the graphic arts. Sent from Zurich, this piece points us out Lam’s new residence. Infact the Surrealist escaped from France where foreigners were less regarded, above all after the Algeri’s war.
• Typewritten and Compassionate Letter Signed by W.Lam. Albissola mare, 19th January 1962. With headletter of recipient higher right margin. Footnotes about sender. In French . Accents reported black ink, corrections and signature red ink. 29.8 x 21 cm. Two loop holes left margin. Usual folds of paper.
Private and Touching Letter between the “materialist friend”, Lam, and the poor health men, Nesto. With a request of updating as regards the sale of three lithograp s in Cincinnati. Lam lives and works in Albissola mare (Savona), town chosen, together with Zurich, to enjoy the peace of the place. He waits his family to return from Sweden and his son’s Eskil birth.
• Christmas card neither place nor date , by W.Lam to N.Jacometti. It is composed by a rice-paper film wraps a photo of two seagulls on marine horizon. (14 x 14 cm). With Red Envelope (15.2x16.1 cm). From the postmark: Albissola Marina, 14th December 1965 . I n Danish, German and French.
In December 1965 Lam took part in “Écart absolu” , the 11th International Surrealist Exposition. During St.Stephen’s he went to Cuba. His island devoted him a stamp with his work “ Composition” and a personal exposition. Lam was a Surrealist artist of highest repute by now.
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