Flowery Meadow

Flowery Meadow   is a very nice colored serigraph realized by   the contemporary Italian artist  Maddalena Striglio  in the  XX century .

Hand-signed  in pencil on the lower right.  Numbered  on the lower left. Edition 20/199.

Good conditions.

If you are longing for some relaxing moments, take this art gift for yourself and enter the idyllic environment of this beautiful artwork!

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Flowery Meadow is a very nice colored serigraph realized by   the contemporary Italian artist  Maddalena Striglio  in the XX century .

Hand-signed  in pencil on the lower right.  Numbered on the lower left. Edition 20/199.

Good conditions.

Maddalena Striglio , a painter with particular lyrical sensitivity, sought light in the world of nature through her original artworks.

This colorful print represents a natural landscape. The scene is set in a flowery meadow: daisies, sunflowers, and wildflowers brighten up the view of the beholders.

If you are longing for some relaxing moments, take this art gift for yourself and enter the idyllic environment of this beautiful artwork!

Discover more contemporary artworks online on  Wallector.com !

More Information
Maddalena Striglio
Original Prints
Hand Signed
Good (minor cosmetic wear)
Dimensions (cm)
50 x 0.1 x 65
More about Maddalena Striglio