Miguel Berrocal

Miguel Berrocal

Miguel Berrocal (Villanueva de Algaidas, 1933 - Antequera, 2006) was a Spanish sculptor and artist, also known as the puzzle sculptor, due to the particular complexity of his sculptures.

In the first half of the twentieth century, the young Berrocal asked himself: "How to awaken the public with a sculpture?" From this reflection comes his personal artistic philosophy and his plastic language that can be summarized in seven key concepts: scientific inspiration, empty space, disassembly, interactive aesthetics, techniques, multiple.

His work was unified by a background search for beauty combined with his study of mathematics and physics. His sculptures often consist of interlocking elements known as “component parts” that can be assembled into unique forms within a series of almost identical objects. Working in a wide range of sizes, Berrocal’s pieces could be sometimes very large in scale for public spaces, while other times small enough to be worn as jewelry.

The Spanish artist spent much of his life in Verona, Italy, because here he discovered a small foundry that allowed him to cast his complex and modular sculptures. His work has been exhibited widely all across Europe, North and South America, and Japan.

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