Me Trompe-T-Il?
Me Trompe-T-Il? is an Original Etching Hand Watercolored series "CMode et Manières" published in 1808 by the Journald des Dames et des Modes".
Mode et Manières - Model n. is 52 an original watercolored print realized in 1808.
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Me Trompe-T-Il? is an Original Etching Hand Watercolored series "CMode et Manières" published in 1808 by the Journald des Dames et des Modes".
Mode et Manières - Model n. is 52 an original watercolored print realized in 1808.
The artwork is the plate n. from the Journal des Dames et des Modes, printed in 1797 (as reported on the higher-margin).
Original title printed on the lower center: "Me Trompe-t-il?", included a colored cardboard passpartout (25x19 cm).
Le Journal des Dames et des Modes was a French illustrated fashion magazine created in 1797 by the bookseller Sellèque. This periodical has appeared under several names: Journal des dames, Costumes parisiens, Fashion Journal or Ladies' Journal, Journal de la Mésangère and finally Gazette des salons for its latest publications.
The illustrations in the Journal contributed for the first time to spread the image of the female body in a free and concrete, non-idealized guise. The engravings represented women engaged in some activity, outside the home environment, sometimes even in unusual situations, while playing sports or driving cars. Women masters of themselves, of their lives, well dressed because they decided to be so and not because forced by society or men.
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